Warming Shelter hours expanded during Severe Weather Conditions
Photo by Farrel Nobel on Unsplash
The STEVENSON WARMING SHELTER has protocols in place for both night and day operations during SEVERE WEATHER CONDITIONS (defined as: predicted temperatures < 32F, snow covered ground, wind chill predicted to be <zero degrees F for 2 hour period or more)
FRI-TUE nights the shelter is open with regular staffing with check in between 6-8pm only.
WED/THU nights staff is on call at 509-281-1129 and alternate forms of shelter may be provided.
If SEVERE WEATHER CONDITIONS exist during DAYTIME hours, some form of shelter will be made available.
MON-THU from 9am-5pm contact WAGAP's Stevenson office at 509-427-8229.
FRI-SUN, or on holidays, during DAYTIME hours contact the shelter's on-call number at 509-281-1129 if severe weather conditions persist.
Stevenson Warming Shelter is adjacent to the Hegewald Center at 710 SW Rock Creek Drive. COVID-19 protocols are in place.