A gift in your will: Your legacy
Making a lasting difference in your community may be easier than you think.
You can continue to create a better community, by including a gift in your will to Washington Gorge Action Programs. Most gifts in wills are from ordinary, hardworking people like you, community members who want to continue to have a positive impact in people's lives after their lifetime.
A gift in your will to Washington Gorge Action Programs can support your interests far into the future.
A gift in your will can be a percentage of your estate, a dollar amount, or a specific asset, like real estate or stocks.
The next time you talk with your lawyer or financial advisor, ask about leaving a gift to Washington Gorge Action Programs.
You can name WAGAP in your will using this description:
"Washington Gorge Action Programs, a nonprofit corporation, organized and existing under the laws of the State of Washington, tax ID 91-0793062, business address 115 W. Steuben St., Bingen, WA 98605."
What are the benefits of leaving a gift in your will?
You leave a lasting legacy
You will be remembered
You may lessen the burden of taxes on your family
Your gift costs nothing during your lifetime
You can change your mind at any time
Your gift can be anonymous if you wish.
All it takes is a conversation with your lawyer to add a charitable gift to your will. Gifts given through your will can include:
Real estate
A percentage of your estate
Traditional IRA, 401(k), 401(b), Keogh, SEP, Simple IRS and Roth accounts
Bank and credit union accounts
Certificates of Deposit (CDs)
US savings bonds
Stocks, bonds and brokerage accounts
Life insurance policies
For many types of accounts, you can simply name WAGAP on a designation form as a primary or contingent beneficiary.
For more details, please see our Legacy Giving & Bequests Guide.
Note: The information provided by Washington Gorge Action Programs is educational in nature only. It is not offering professional tax, legal or accounting advice. For specific advice about the effect of any planning concept on your tax or financial situation or with your estate, please consult a qualified professional advisor.