our board

Community Action Programs have a unique board structure designed to include both elected officials and low-income community members. WAGAP’s board includes people from Klickitat and Skamania Counties:

Bruce Bolme, White Salmon, Board President

Roger Gadway, White Salmon, Board Vice President

Alec Maule, Underwood, Board Secretary-Treasurer

Matthew Byrne, White Salmon

Lorraine Fritsch, Goldendale

Bob Hamlin, Commissioner, Skamania County

Ubaldo Hernandez, White Salmon

Marla Keethler, Mayor, White Salmon

Catherine Kiewit, Mayor, Bingen

David Quesnel, Prosecuting Attorney, Klickitat County

Alicia Ramirez, White Salmon

Debi Van Camp, Stevenson


Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Commitment

We, the board members of Washington Gorge Action Programs, reaffirm our organizational commitment to our communities, clients, staff, partners and stakeholders to provide services that help to alleviate poverty in a manner that is safe, respectful, equitable, and inclusive of all.

We acknowledge that racial, social, and economic disparities exist in our communities. We recognize that we work with a diverse community of people who experience different inequities. We believe that creating opportunities for people to participate, collaborate and create spaces to raise their voices will help us work toward equity.

Our programs are designed to foster individual and family self-sufficiency, health and well-being through access to food, shelter, healthcare, employment opportunities, and resources that promote security.

We strive to build an inclusive culture that empowers us to connect as we develop our staff, board, committees, and programs that are representative of our communities, coming from diverse backgrounds and experiences. We value personal commitments, curiosity, collaboration, and perspectives.

We pledge to continue to provide a diverse, equitable, and inclusive environment dedicated to strengthening our community by inspiring hope and helping people to help themselves.


In June 2022, Washington Gorge Action Programs staff and the Board of Directors came together for a day of planning and discussion on what the next five years of our Agency would look like. During that session, several goals emerged:

  • Become a community leader in equity by focusing on equity for the whole agency and community.

  • To support the mission of WAGAP, continue building strong, equitable partnerships with a variety of community organizations.

  • To address the needs of low income working parents, develop childcare options throughout the two-county area.

  • To increase opportunities for more affordable housing, work with housing partners, and advocate broadly.

  • Diversify funding streams to enhance the future sustainability of WAGAP.

Together with our staff, board, volunteers, and partners, we will continue to focus on addressing a reduction in poverty, revitalizing low-income communities, and empowering people with low income levels to become more self-sufficient.

It’s what we do: Helping People. Changing Lives.

Click HERE for the strategic plan.