You make a difference now.
A gift in your will lets you keep making a difference long after you are gone.

With a simple conversation with your lawyer, you can add a charitable gift to your will. Your gift to Washington Gorge Action Programs (WAGAP) allows for flexibility in meeting the needs of people in your community. Some gifts may be carefully invested to generate a permanent source of income, increasing the value of every dollar given.

If you decide to include WAGAP in your will, please do let us know, so that you can become an honored member of WAGAP’s “Community Builders.” You'll be invited to events and receive insider updates. Our staff and board will be so encouraged to hear from you about your gift.

A gift to WAGAP in your will or trust can be a dollar amount, a specific asset, or a share of the remainder of your estate. Gifts given through wills can be cash, life insurance policies, and retirement accounts including IRA, 401(k), 401(b), Keogh, SEP, or Roth IRA. You can also give bank and credit union accounts, CDs, US Savings Bonds, stocks, bonds, and brokerage accounts.

If you are ready to make a gift in your will, you can name WAGAP using this description: “Washington Gorge Action Programs, a nonprofit corporation, organized and existing under the laws of the State of Washington, tax ID 91-0793062, business address 115 W. Steuben St., Bingen, WA 98605.”

If you make Required Minimum Distributions from your IRA, a Qualified Charitable Contribution made directly to WAGAP may provide a tax-free way to give. Note: This information, provided by Washington Gorge Action Programs, is educational in nature only. It is not offering professional tax, legal or accounting advice. For specific advice about the effect of any planning concept on your tax or financial situation or with your estate, consult a qualified professional advisor.

You can also mail in your banking information to give directly through your bank to help your neighbors. This option significantly reduces WAGAP’s administrative costs, allowing your gift to stretch further and help more people.