
Home Energy Assistance

No one should be forced to choose between paying for food and paying for heat during the cold winter months. If you or someone you know is having trouble paying their utility bills, WAGAP can help.

Home Energy Assistance is available to low-income families, disabled individuals, seniors on low and fixed incomes, and residents that are in danger of losing their heat source. Assistance can be provided for almost any heating source, including electricity, natural gas, propane and wood.

Home Energy Assistance
Call the WAGAP Main Office:
(509) 493-2662
Toll Free: (800) 755-1192

Weatherization Assistance

Reduce your energy burden by maximizing your home's energy efficiency, through weatherization improvements and upgrades. It will improve your family's health and safety, and your household could save on average $372 or more per year!

Call WAGAP's Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) at (509) 493-2662 to find out if you qualify.

For families in Skamania and Klickitat Counties, WAGAP provides a referral to our weatherization partners at the Community Action Council of Lewis, Mason & Thurston Counties.

2 workers applying weatherization products to sliding glass door.